Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Wonders of Technology: My Relationship with Technology

 The Wonders of  Technology

Technology Trends and Tools for Businesses in 2021 - Artizone

Pros and Cons of the Wonderful world of Tech

Pros of new tech is having a new avenue of learning for everyone thank you to technology. It is also a great ways of bettering ourselves as people and enhancing our knowledge of whatever we feel like we want to learn that day. Technology offers you a freedom that is rare. We also use it as a form of entertainment through social media apps  The Cons of new tech are that it is a very Scary place (So much unknown to the public eye). We are unsure of what we are looking up is private as well as our personal information is private. It reminds me of the book by George Orwell, “1984”. Privacy is frail and we don't know if we are being told the truth or is technology not secure as the production companies say. Tons of misuses with technology, One click can change your life, for better or for worse.

Relationship With Tech

Growing up in a world that revolves around technology was a challenge. It is one of the many wonders of the world that gets better everyday, however, all pros have there cons and with technology being so advanced we are all unsure of what power we really hold when we have a cellphone in our hands. I do however, have a love hate relationship with tech. Sometimes it can be very stressful and distracting due to everything that we have at our disposal.

Role of Social Media

Social Media for everyone plays a large role in our lives. If you look back on the past 20 years in the world of social media, the growth is tremendous. From myspace, facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, and tiktok it feels that we are only getting better with time. In my life social media plays a huge factor for me. Whether I am following something for general interest or for work pretty much everything I need is a simple click away, but how safe and private is my search kept?

EOTO Part 2 response

Diffusion of Innovations

EOTO Terms and Concepts

The Progressive Era

 The Progressive Era

The Progressive Era (Trava) - WFHS Library
            The capitalists and entrepreneurs who built the United States into one of the world's leading economies took full advantage of America's free enterprise culture to launch an industrial revolution of unprecedented scope. With few state or federal laws to hinder them, many used questionable tactics to drive out competitors and establish monopolies or near-monopolies in their respective industries. Along the way they cajoled, bribed, or blackmailed political leaders to facilitate their efforts. 

            To address such excesses, a diverse group of reformers set about trying to gain political power and public support. Progressivism, as historians have come to label this movement, found its support primarily in urban areas among the middle and upper-middle classes—business executives, professionals, teachers, and government workers. They promoted greater efficiency in the workplace and in government. Their fervent hope was to restore democratic control of the economic and political sectors. Here is a link https://www.antiwar.com/ about antiwar and different information alo
            There was no all-encompassing progressive organization, agenda, or motive. The movement cut across both political parties, appeared in every geographic region, and contained many conflicting elements. Some activists were spurred by strong religious convictions while others were animated by secular ideals. Some were earnest humanitarians and others were more concerned with issues of efficiency and productivity. Prominent men such as Robert La Follette, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson are most often associated with the Progressive movement, yet women were disproportionately involved in the array of "progressive" causes and issues. While incredibly diverse in motivation and mission, Progressives tended to believe that government should take a more active role in promoting the general welfare. More specifically, this meant the passage of laws breaking up the huge trusts, regulating child and female labor, promoting better working conditions, and conserving the environment. In addition, Progressives supported voluntary associations such as settlement houses and other charitable organizations intended to help immigrants, the poor, and the disabled.

TED Talk

EOTO Response


Eight Values of Free Expression

The Supreme Court

 The Supreme Court

4,515 Supreme Court Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

        When you hear the term, "Supreme Court", anyone with common sense is aware that this level of court holds a very high power among the United States Government. Now I am not a history buff, but I do enjoy learning new things about our Government. A little background on The Supreme Court, The Supreme Court was first established in 1789, which has been 233 years since that point of origin. It is also the highest federal court in the country. According to the article, there was an act created and signed by the President, who at that point in time was George Washington. This Act clearly stated this specific court would be made up of six justices. These Justices would serve on the court until they died or retired. As of now, the court is currently made of nine justices. 


                 After my investigation to acquire the Insight for the readers, I have learned that in some cases The Supreme Court holds a lot of power and in some very rare cases hold more power over the President of The United States. This to me was very surprising considering how powerful the president actual and how it seems the government is like a scale it continues to sway back and forth, it may never be equal, but sometimes it will come close. There are different rankings in the Supreme Court. Within the court system, the Chief of Justice is the highest judicial officer. As said in the article, the Chief of Justice presides over the Supreme Court and their trials, such as impeachment against the President of The United States.

Top 5 Sources of News & Information

 My Top 5 News Sources 

When it comes to the News, the amount of sources are endless. Millions and millions of articles surrounding pretty much anything you can think of. It hurts the brain to try to read through all of that stuff, however, I have done the dirty work for you and conducted a survey of my own to provide you guys with 5 helpful sources that I use to help enlighten myself on what the news for that day has to offer. Dive in! Hope you enjoy!   

 ESPN Logo - PNG and Vector - Logo Download

1. My 1st Source that I love to look towards is Espn. Being so invested in sports, I love to do the research on sports and espn is very helpful with giving me the accurate information based on the daily sports world. Here is the link https://www.espn.com/ if you are invested in sports and want to be caught up on information about the sports world ESPN is the source for you. 

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2. My 2nd source that I like to use is Fox News. Growing up I have been very torn between my political opinion. I know that in today's day in age there is a ton controversy between parties, but I felt that fox news, although they are very biased, offers the best perspective on what goes on in today's and age. They will tell you how it is and what is wrong, but one thing that they do fail to do is point the positives in the situations at hand. They constantly look to beat someone down rather than showing a sign of encouragement and change. Fox news occasionally offers the perspective that we can look forward to all of us agreeing on somethings in the near future, but for now when it comes to news and political media it continues to be a toss up with who to listen to, but I am, for now, set on the factual Information that Fox releases to the public. Here is the link of the website to check it out even further on your own, https://www.foxnews.com/.

Image result for youtube logo 

3. My 3rd source that in my opinion, may have all the answers to your problems. In short, Youtube is a website that allows you to post anything you want as long as you follow the community guidelines. This is a top source for everyone because of how broad the set of categories on the website, you could very well learn, watch, and listen just about everything you can possibly think of. I picture it as a google full of videos of stuff that you are interested in. You create a profile, subscribe to the channels you like, and start watching and searching. Here is the link to the source if you are interested further. 

  Image result for instagram logo

4. My 4th source is, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter's' biggest competitor, is another huge social media platform used for news and information. Instagram for a very long time now as been a huge information source for this generation. With features such as 'stories' people are able to post in real time current events occurring around the world. Also options and features that allow individuals to share other peoples posts makes information and news spread very quickly. 

How to Find Influencers to Follow on Snapchat
5. My 5th Source is, Snapchat used to be the app for sending photos back and forth between friends and so forth. As time went on Snapchat became so much more than that. It is used as a platform for people to post short clips of their lives, for advertisements, and to find out news that millennials are more interested in hearing. As I previously said, I am one to be more interested in news about celebrities and or fashion. I am not one to read the news about politics. Snapchat gives me the ability to watch shirt chips of famous people advertising the new best makeup or what the new trend is. In a more serious matter, it gives me news about real-world issues and so forth. The best part is, subscribing to these news channels is absolutely free. Snapchat includes The Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, Food Network, NFL, ESPN, Cosmopolitan and so much more. 

The Wonders of Technology: My Relationship with Technology

  The Wonders of  Technology Pros and Cons of the Wonderful world of Tech Pros of new tech is having a new avenue of learning for everyone t...